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The Acker Finley Select Canada Focus Fund and Acker Finley Select US Value 50 Fund are managed by Acker Finley Asset Management Inc., both are subsidiaries of Acker Finley Holdings Inc. Acker Finley is a trade name used by both Acker Finley Inc. and Acker Finley Asset Management Inc. QSA™ is a registered trademark of Acker Finley Inc. that is used under license by Acker Finley Asset Management Inc.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus/offering memorandum before investing. Funds sold by offering memorandum require a subscription form to be completed and returned to a participating dealer prior to purchase. The indicated rate of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all dividends and/ or distributions and does not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

The information in denoted slides is based on the backtested performance of a hypothetical investment over the time period indicated. "Backtesting" is a process of objectivity simulating historical investment returns by applying a set of rules for buying and selling stocks backward in time, testing those rules, and hypothetically investing in the stocks that are chosen. The returns from those stocks are then recorded, compiled, and ultimately compared to those of an index or another product. The performance of the investment strategy shown is a hypothetical example of the performance of the strategy found in a backtest, using an initial $1.00 value, if the investment strategy had been in existence and employed for the period specified, and does not reflect actual results. Backtesting is designed to allow investors to understand and evaluate certain strategies by seeing how they would have performed hypothetically during certain time periods.

While backtested results reflect the rigorous application of the investment strategy selected, backtested results have certain limitations and should not be indicative of future results. In particular, they do not reflect actual trading in an account, so there is no guarantee that in fact an actual account would have achieved the results shown. Performance of a strategy, and any index it is compared to, does not reflect advisory fees, commissions, expenses or taxes that will be borne by an investor. The strategy's performance, as well as that of the index, would be lower if such fees and costs were deducted. Actual results for investors will differ from the strategy because of such fees and costs.

Acker Finley Inc., a member of the CIRO and CIPF, issues this document. It is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities discussed in any jurisdiction where such would be prohibited. The information and any statistical data contained herein have been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable but we do not represent that they are accurate or complete and should not be relied upon as such. All opinions expressed and data provided are subject to change without notice. Acker Finley Inc. or one of its affiliated companies, or their respective shareholders, directors or employees may have long or short positions in the securities discussed herein. The securities mentioned in this document may not be eligible for sale in some provinces or countries, nor suitable for all types of investors. The securities are subject to investment risks including possible loss of the principle invested.

Any products or services mentioned on this website are made available only in accordance with local law (including applicable securities laws) and only where they may be lawfully offered for sale. Acker Finley Inc. will not open accounts except in jurisdictions in which it is registered.


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Information on Acker Finley's WWW pages is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell products or services of Acker Finley and its subsidiaries and affiliates or units of mutual funds. Not all products and services that Canadian residents may be interested in are available in all regions of Canada. Not all products and services that other country residents may be interested in are available in that country.

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